Opera has just announced that it has released updated versions of its two Android-compatible mobile browsers. Opera Mini 6.5 and Opera Mobile 11.5 are already available for download in the Android market, allowing users to experience the latest goodies brought by the Norwegians.
The first change you will notice when you start the Opera Mini 6.5 or Opera Mobile 11.5 is the newly added screen, which shows you exactly how much data you have spent and saved using the two browsers.
Of course, Opera Mobile won’t be saving anything if you are not using the cloud-assisted Turbo mode, but Opera obviously thought few people use it that way.
The other notable change brought by the updates is the tighter integration of the two browsers with the Android operating system. With a handy bookmark import function you can easily transfer your existing bookmarks to your Opera browser, while the homescreen shortcuts let you access your most-used websites quicker than ever.
So, hit those Android market icons or follow this link to get the Opera Mini 6.5 and Opera Mobile 11.5 up and running on your droid.